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Song Playing: Edge of the World

Name: Jeyetik
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii
Genre: Hip-Hop


For Booking Contact:
or leave a message on my webpage

About jEYEtik
The 50th Rock presents jEYEtik Real HipHop Hawaii coming str8 out the Westside of the gritty fifty state ; jEYEtik!!! originated from a crew known as EYEsoulatedmindz that started out with Mush, Teo, Slo-mo, & M.A.Jik. Eventually Mush went to Philly and was bangin out some ill solo joints with one of the snuggest beat animal Drs. ever heard ; illmind . Meanwhile, back on the rock Teo was in school getting his learn on while Jik and slo-mo were determind to beat some music under the name of Mail Box Bashers (MBB). MBB was short lived, made a slight impact and got us penty of connections as far as performances and just cool folks in the Hawaii HipHop scene. Eventually Slo-mo made the decision to move back to Cali.Mush is back on the rock but soon to be back in Philly were he and Slo will link up and work on there own allbum The Fortilive Project. Believe me it will be Bangin!!! with production. Producers such as M-Phaze, Dj.Fraze from the crew Organic thoughts, Hawaii's very own WestBrook, and of course illmind will be on the album Illmind(has worked with many artists like little Brother, Superstition, Akrobatik (Remind my soul), S-One from The Strange Fruit Prodject, and many more). Now notice the EYE in jEYEtik. Yes, we kept the roots. Throw the names Jik & Sirenz in a buckit kick it around a bit - - jEYEtik folks!!!!! Yes, jEYEtik is also working on and allbum called Check ya Noodle!!! that will also have production from many of the same producers which are featured on the Fortilive album. You may have heard some tracks from us already. A song of ours called HighState produced by Slo-mo was getting some love on the mainstream airwaves 104.3 late night hours. In a nuttshell, look for some ill ass releases from these hommies in the near future. Till then we will be posting new songs whenever we can to keep you ears laced with happiness. Keep the music alive people. Support Hawaii HipHop!!!! Oh, almost forgot, tell your mom we said hello pzzzzz



Jeyetik's Schedule

- 2007 Calander Event

  Venus Nightclub

- Babe Blvd. and KP Models NIGHT

  Venus Nightclub 

You Wanna Know... Jeyetik!




Jeyetik Myspace Page
Meghann's Myspace Page